September 25-29, 2014 - Department of Architectural Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Welcome to the 4th experts’ meeting of the IEA SHC Task 51: Solar Energy in Urban Planning, to be held at the Department of Architectural Science, Ryerson University, in downtown Toronto, Canada, from September 25th-29th, 2014. This meeting is by invitation only.
In order to plan and prepare for your trip, here is some fundamental information that you may need at this stage. Additional, detailed information will follow as preparation progress and you will be alerted about in time.
Schedule at a Glance

The meeting fee is CAD $100 + applicable taxes (approx. 70 €) per person. This will cover costs of coffee breaks and lunches. The Task 51 formal dinner will cost additional CAD $80 per person. Please, register for the meeting, alert us about your food restrictions and pay fees online through the secure link provided here:
Help us to better plan and organise this meeting by registering before August 22nd, 2014.
There are several hotels in the close proximity of the Ryerson University, as we are located in the core downtown of Toronto. Because of the uncertainty about number of participants in this meeting, differences in time of arrivals, departures and hotel preferences as well as the expected financial commitment related to the block booking, we are leaving to the participants to make their individual accommodation arrangements.
Recommended hotels in the neighbourhood with booking agreement related to the IEA SHC Task 51 meeting:
Pantages Hotel, 200 Victoria Street
- Call 1-866-852-177 or 416-362-1777 or Email
- Quote any of the following; “IEA SHC Task 51 Ryerson Courtesy Rate”
- Rate of $185 plus taxes, per night, based on our Deluxe Urban Suites
- Boutique Suites will be offered at $235 + taxes and Executive Skyline Suites at $285 + taxes
- Rate guaranteed until August 26th, 2014
- Rooms are based on availability
Courtyard by Marriot Toronto Downtown Hotel, 475 Yonge Street
Book the room online by clicking here or by phone at 1-800-847-5075 and ask for Ryerson University Room block
Rate: $159 + taxes for single and double occupancy room. Additional $15 per guest if it’s more than 2 people in the same room (triple or quadruple occupancy). In this case, booking needs to be done by phone. Rates guaranteed until Aug 26th, 2014
Other recommended hotels in the neighbourhood:
Primrose Toronto Best Western, 111 Carlton Street
Eaton Chelsea Toronto, 33 Gerrard St. West
If breakfast is not included in the room price, don’t be disappointed: there are many breakfast
places and small cafes in the neighbourhood, where one can have better food for a fraction of a
cost of the hotel breakfast.
Additional, more affordable options include staying at B&Bs (bed&breakfast places), where breakfast is included, but often a bathroom is shared and there is limited number of rooms. These three are less then 10 minutes walking distance from Ryerson, and all are ranked very high at the site:
Note that the Task 51 meeting is happening just after the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Although it will be easier to find accommodation then during the festival, we advise you to, nevertheless, hurry up with booking as the “conference season” will be starting soon after the TIFF.
Study tour in the Niagara region
Thursday, September 25th, 2014. This whole day 300 km round trip will include visiting natural beauties of the Niagara region as well as private tour to 3 (or 4) wineries that are not only excellent representatives of the local wine production, but also examples of innovative and sustainable architecture.
The cost per person will depend on a number of participants, and I am not able to finalise it further unless I have an idea of approximate number. Please, state your interest in the above mentioned on-line registration form (, preferably before August 22nd, 2014. Also note that the prices stated there are just estimation and we are still working to find better and more affordable option.
Seminar for the practitioners
Planned for Monday, September 29th, the seminar will include presentations by the visiting IEA SHC Task 51 experts and the local architects and planners that are involved in the subject of solar energy in architecture and urban planning. Although some of the presenters already confirmed their participation, the line-up and the schedule is not finalised yet. The details will follow.
Things to know:
All prices listed in this document and related to registration are in Canadian dollars (CAD$). The approximate relation these days is: 1€ = 1.45 CAD$
In Canada, in stores, restaurants, cafes, you need to add 13% tax on all listed prices for goods and services, except for food in supermarket – so, do not be surprised if you are asked to pay more then it was stated on a price label.
Flights leave Toronto for Europe in the afternoon/evening. The traffic to get to the airport can be heavy, so the recommendation is to leave hotel or university at least 3.5 or 4 hours before the flight time. If you are travelling through USA, you may need even more time, as you need to pass US security screening and customs at the Toronto airport.
We are very much looking forward to see you in Toronto this September. If you can, spare a few days: there is so much to see and experience in this city.
Additional Information
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Miljana Horvat,